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  • The new virtual Endo Trainer has designed & developed to give the picture as true as laparoscopic camera,without regular laparoscopic video camera,Light source,Telescope & Fiber optic cable.

    The new Virtual Endo Trainer box has built in camera,Light sourc,Telescopic rod and virtual trocars.
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    • Operative Area

      Powder coated sheet metal box with a shape to mean the abdomen,with 3-5 holes for instrument & Telescope.The top cover of the sheet metal box has been hinged in one side and other side there is s “open” provision for keeping the specimens.

      A plastic plate with holes is provided inside the box for specimen holding.
      Three virtual trocars has been provided to introduce the telescope and hand instrument.
    • Vision

      The CCD Camera is mounted in one end of the telescopic rod which will pass through the trocar hole and in the other end of the telescopic rod the hand grip os mounted.Hence the Telescopic Rod will not come off or fall down.
      Movement arrest clamp is provided for telescopic Zoom-in and Zoom-out movement to enable the trainee to keep the camera position as per requirement and can get trained without help of the camera person.The movement arrest clamp can be kept-off.
      The video output of the camera has taken through sealed cables inside the Endo trainer box and finally connected to a socket,from where the output of the camera can be taken and it can directly connect to colot Television.
    • Illumination

      For illumination the pencil bulb has been built inside the Endo trainer box.All the electrical connections left out.
    • Hospiinz VET

      Compactable with video system.The connection sockets for video system is located in th rear side of the control unit.VET is a available in PAL system.
      Video output : AV output – 1 – PAl system


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